Peter O’Keefe
Team: Venture Partners
Peter O’Keefe is a professional in the financial services industry, an advisor to both privately held & publicly traded companies and a recognized national political operative who served as a liaison to the business community in the Clinton White House.
As a Venture Partner at Paladin Capital Group, Mr. O’Keefe assists our portfolio managers and companies with their understanding of regulatory risk and opportunity across Federal and State governments. He has helped spearhead Paladin’s effort to lead the industry in defining Trusted Capital and recruiting like-minded investors to sign Paladin’s Principles and Commitments pledge. He works closely with The White House, Federal & State partners, NATOs Allied Capital Community as well our venture capital colleagues to advance this work on behalf of Paladin.
He previously served on the Board of Directors for Leaf Clean Energy (LEAF.L), RegScan Corporation and is now on the Advisory Board of Babcock and Wilcox (NYSE:BW).
Mr. O’Keefe has worked on more than a dozen political campaigns, beginning with the Clinton for President campaign of 1992. He served as a five time National Treasurer for the Democratic Governors Association from 2014-2018, a record, and helped lead the association to its most successful fundraising campaign in 2018 raising more than $250 million and picking up eight key governorships. In 2013 he played a leading role in the election of his longtime friend, Terry McAuliffe, as the 72nd Governor of Virginia.
Previously, Mr. O’Keefe was a registered professional with the National Association of Securities Dealers. He served as the Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and as the Director of Major Donor Development for the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation.
Mr. O’Keefe served on The White House staff during the Clinton Administration and spearheaded the President’s effort to coordinate with the business community to pass key sections of the Clinton Economic Program.
For several years Mr. O’Keefe has volunteered as the Committee Chair for his local Boy Scout Troop and, along with his wife Sara, is very involved with the DC Arts Community.
He holds degrees from Marist College and the London School of Economics. He, his wife Sara and their two children reside in Washington, DC.